Ep 003 - How I Saved £15,000 in 3 Years - 4 Tips to Help You Save More Money

In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I am going to share with you some of my personal story on how I saved £15,000 in 3 years.

There is so much more to saving money than just the number in the bank. Often when we have a financial goal in mind, we focus on how to earn more money in order to build that savings balance. As well as the practical steps I took, I am also going to show you the other important steps that you need to take in order to grow your money. 

This episode is filled with top tips to help you create the life that you deserve to live, in the way that you want to live it.


In this episode:

  • How I saved £15,000 in 3 years

  • What is a financial goal and why you need one

  • How to make yourself a priority in your budget

  • Why you need to develop a savings mindset

  • How to track your progress for success and why it is so important



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Ep 004 - Feeling Overwhelmed About Money? 5 Tips For Taking Back Financial Control


Ep 002 - The ONE Thing You Need to Know if You Want to Grow Your Money