Ep 002 - The ONE Thing You Need to Know if You Want to Grow Your Money

In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast I am going to be talking to you about the most important thing that you need to know if you want to grow your money.

You can have the best financial plan in the world, a salary that exceeds your expectations, great investments but without strong foundations none of those things will help you to grow your money. The emotional work that you need to do around money provides the solid foundation on which to build your practical steps.

Listen in as I talk more about the mindset surrounding money and why you need to change your mindset to grow your money so that you can feed your soul.


In this episode:

  • Challenges that stop you from feeling confident about growing your money

  • The role your mindset plays

  • How a strong money mindset will help you to take inspired action in a way that feels good for you

  • What happens when you improve your mindset around money




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Ep 003 - How I Saved £15,000 in 3 Years - 4 Tips to Help You Save More Money


Ep 001 - Trailer - Introduction