Ep 017 - The ONE Habit That is Actually Costing You Money

In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast I am going to share with you the one habit that is actually costing you money.

We have all had that sinking feeling before where you look at your bank balance and wonder where all of the money has gone. It can be all too easy to bury our heads in the sand and ignore the situation but let me tell you that not looking at your bank balance is the worst thing that you can do.

By making a change to this habit you are going to regain confidence and control over your finances and this simple solution is going to have you take another step towards creating financial freedom.


In this episode:

  • What ignoring your bank balance does to your money

  • How to increase your bank balance by bringing awareness to your numbers

  • The impact of contactless transactions

  • How to reduce anxiety around checking your bank accounts



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Ep 018 - How I Quit My Job to Run My Business Full Time


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