Ep 016 - Why Having a Plan For Your Money Improves Your Wellbeing

In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I am going to share why having a plan for your money will improve your wellbeing.

Financial pressure is the top cause of stress outside of the workplace. Therefore, the more confident you feel around your finances, the better you are going to feel in yourself. We often think wellness is around healthy eating, good sleep and getting exercise but good financial health is also going to contribute to your overall levels of wellbeing.

Improving your finances is going to be really impactful on your overall wellness but not just for the immediate future. The long lasting effects will support you in all areas of your life.


In this episode:

  • What your debt repayment plan will do for your wellbeing

  • How to build confidence around your financial decisions

  • Why having goals will help you feel better about your future

  • What your mindset around spending is so important



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Ep 017 - The ONE Habit That is Actually Costing You Money


Ep 015 - 3 Ways Your Impulse Spending is Keeping You Broke