Mind Money Soul Podcast
with Laura Ann Moore
Tune in weekly as I explore the emotional, practical and spiritual sides of money to help you uncover your money mindset, improve your relationship with money, build your net worth and step into financial abundance.
Change your mindset, grow your money, feed your soul.
What the listeners are saying:
090 - How Do I Stay Motivated with Clearing My Debt?
This episode was inspired by a gal who slid into my DM’s recently. She shared that she originally had 40K of debt and is now down to 5K of debt, however feels a serious lack of motivation to get her last chunk of debt cleared. Does this resonate with you? Sometimes it seems the closer you get to your goal, the harder it is. I’ll let you into a little secret…The driving force behind achieving your goals isn’t motivation.
089 - My Experience With Money As A Single Woman
I think it’s really important to talk about the intersectionality between money and your relationship status. Take me, I’m 30 years old, I’ve been single my whole life and there’s been countless times that I’ve considered my finances as a single gal. It's not surprising that a lot of single women worry about their finances. To add to this worry, women are already financially behind in society because of the gender wealth gap including pay, pension and investing.
088 - How To Get Out Of Your Spending Era
Do you feel like you've been in an era of spending loads of money? Your bank balance is evaporating before your eyes, money is coming out quicker than it’s coming in and you’re ready to step into your good money management era. Sounding all too familiar? I got you. In today’s quick fire ep, I’m sharing my 5 tips on how to reign in your spending and exactly what you need to do to tap into your higher self and become financially free.