Mind Money Soul Podcast
with Laura Ann Moore
Tune in weekly as I explore the emotional, practical and spiritual sides of money to help you uncover your money mindset, improve your relationship with money, build your net worth and step into financial abundance.
Change your mindset, grow your money, feed your soul.
What the listeners are saying:
075 - Financial 'Ins' & 'Outs' For 2024
I’m going to be reviving a trend and sharing my financial ins and outs of 2024. I’m kicking the episode off with positivity and inspiration by diving straight into my top 8 ‘ins’. My list is a real mix, from money dates and investing, to capsule wardrobes and Vinted. The word for 2024 is INTENTION.
074 - Money Dates | The Best Tool For Taking Control Of Your Money
A money date is the practise of regularly sitting down 1 on 1 with your money, spending time with it and going through all the information to analyse the past week or month, plan ahead for the following month and reflect on your relationship with money. This data will move you to the financial drivers seat, so that your money is no longer the one in control. Like I always say, data is knowledge, and knowledge is power.
073 - 3 Financial Goals You Need For 2024 & How To Achieve Them
We owe it to ourselves to put time and thought into carving out the direction of our year in order to create the life of dreams. This comes with intentionality, mindfulness and planning. So, take note as I share the steps and processes to achieving your financial goals.