Mind Money Soul Podcast

with Laura Ann Moore

Tune in weekly as I explore the emotional, practical and spiritual sides of money to help you uncover your money mindset, improve your relationship with money, build your net worth and step into financial abundance.

Change your mindset, grow your money, feed your soul.

What the listeners are saying:


Money Mindset, Lifestyle Laura Moore Money Mindset, Lifestyle Laura Moore

060 - I’m Turning 30 - Here’s 20 Things I Wish I Knew At 20 | Part Two

One of my greatest lessons was understanding that investing in yourself is the BEST investment that you can make. Whether you’re investing in your education/ skills/ health, it’s ALWAYS going to offer the best return. When you make an investment, you’re spending money on something that you expect to make a return on in the future. The key thing to understand is, you’re not throwing your money away, you are making an investment so you can better yourself and reach your big happy goals.

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Money Mindset, Lifestyle Laura Moore Money Mindset, Lifestyle Laura Moore

059 - I’m Turning 30 - Here’s 20 Things I Wish I Knew At 20 | Part One

One of my greatest lessons was - I wish I knew to start investing sooner. It wasn’t until the age of 26 that I learnt about the concept of compound interest and investing. It then took me another year of researching and learning until I invested my first £1 at the age of 27. In total, I lost 10 years and thousands of pounds. The lesson? Don't wait to invest. You can't gain back the time lost. I wish I'd known to capitalise on the time I had to invest.

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