Ep 010 - How To Hold Onto More Money

In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast we are talking about holding onto money - why you don’t and how you can.

Ever get to the end of the month and wonder where on earth all of your money went? It can often feel like we are living paycheck to paycheck without an end to the cycle. This week we are going to explore the solution to breaking this cycle and I am going to help you hold onto more of your money each month.

It isn’t quite as simple as earning more, there is no magic wand, but the journey is worth it. You are going to be able to save more, invest more and get rid of the pit-of-the-stomach anxiety once and for all.


In this episode:

  • Why you need to understand what stops you from holding onto money

  • The importance of believing that you are worthy enough

  • Why paying yourself first will grow your wealth

  • What is mindful spending

  • How a spending plan is empowering for your finances



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Ep 011 - What is Financial Freedom and is it For You?


Ep 009 - How To Improve Your Relationship With Money