120 - You Deserve To Have Money & Build Wealth | Money Pep Talk

In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing a pep talk to remind you that you are innately worthy of money.

Tune into this episode whenever you feel undeserving. You can listen to this as a meditation, line this up for your next hot girl walk or pull out affirmations to repeat to yourself daily. I want you to know that you are born with the inherit right of having money. You do not have to do anything or be anyone to earn the right to make, have and hold onto money. You’re not a bad person for wanting more money or more for your life. The phrase “money is the root of all evil” has actually been misconstrued over time. The original quote is “the love of money is the root of all evil”. It’s funny how this has changed over the years, all this does is keep those with less money stuck thinking they shouldn't aim for more, whilst those with more money crack on living their best life.

It's ok to want an abundance of money so you can live a peaceful life and help others do the same. Not wanting money doesn't make you noble, it makes you unnecessarily limited. Use this episode as inspiration to find out how money can serve you and your life. Money is an AMPLIFIER which means whoever you are at your core (your values, outlook, lifestyle), your money will allow you to do MORE and be MORE of this. So, if you want a life full of abundance, magic, freedom and infinite possibilities, become a good home for your money by working on your money mindset and use it as a tool to create your dream life.


In this episode:

  • Buckle up for a serious pep talk

  • How the phrase “money is the root of all evil” has been CHANGED

  • Why money is an AMPLIFIER and how you can use this in your life

  • Things that have shaped how deserving you feel of having money

  • Are you a good home for your money?

  • Why money isn't good or bad, it's EMOTIONAL and a CHOICE

  • The true meaning of money and how your life would look with money



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121 - 3 Things I Know To Be True About Money


119 - ISA Breakdown | Everything You NEED To Know About ISA’s