057 - You Are Losing Money Everyday | Tips To Start Growing Your Money PART TWO
In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing 4 more tips on how to identify where you are losing your money and provide you with solutions so that you can start to understand and grow your money.
Every single day that you are out there making, spending and saving your money, you are actually losing money. I know, it’s mind-blowing when you begin to break it down and realise where your money leaks are and just how much money you are losing.
Last week we covered my first top tips and I’m back with 4 more bangers (if you haven’t listened to part 1, head there now). You might listen to this two-part series and say omg, every single thing you mentioned I’m currently doing and losing my money to. That's ok! Start small. Begin at the top of the list and make changes one by one because you don’t have to do it all at once. You’re already on the path having listened to this episode, so meet yourself where you’re at and take the steps to create change!
In this episode:
How to save money by spending money
How to utilise cash back, rewards, credit cards
Why waiting to invest is costing you thousands
The power of compound interest
How to make the most of your ISA and LISA
The importance of clearing a high-interest debt
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