051 - 3 Tips To Maintain A Budget When Bills Are Soaring Higher
In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I'll be sharing 3 things you can do to control your budget and spending whilst rising prices continue to squeeze living standards.
Budgets are incredibly useful tools and an important part of our financial health. With inflation rising, prices increasing and bills soaring, you have to adjust your budget in accordance whilst finding ways to increase your income. This is going to help alleviate stress and worry in the short term whilst you make a long term plan - starting with how you budget your money and manage your spending.
When you learn this on a smaller budget and income with higher expenses, you’re building really good financial habits that will set you up for success in the future.
In this episode:
Why your budget needs to prioritise your top financial commitments
How to create a hierachy of spending
The importance of ensuring your budget is realistic
Examples of short term sacraficies you could make
Becomming aware of your financial behaviours
Identifying your emotional triggers and creating copying mechanisums
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