Could your mindset be affecting your money?
I am a strong believer in the Law of Attraction.
If you focus on what you DO want, (and not what you DON’T want), you can absolutely attract anything!
For example, this morning I woke up and thought “I REALLY want an oat milk latte”. So I focused on the thought of it, how happy it would make me, how it would taste when I am drinking it, I got excited about it.
About one hour later, I am sat in a little coffee shop sipping on my much sought-after coffee.
This sounds like a silly super basic example, but the rules still apply. I thought about what I wanted, and I made it happen.
There were some bumps in the road because I was in Berlin, I did not know any good coffee shops, I spoke no German, and my internet was not working but I had no doubt in my mind that I would get what I want. So I just started walking around and hoped for the best.
First coffee shop – no oat milk.
Second coffee shop – only accepted cash (not card).
Third coffee shop – way too busy … BUT as I left empty handed, the guy behind the counter said “Hey, can I suggest somewhere for you instead, there is a really cool coffee shop around the corner. It has strong wifi and great coffee, it is a proper hidden gem”.
I walked around the corner and BAM there was Kaschke. A super cool, hippy vibe café with the tastiest, creamiest coffee. WINNING
You might be thinking: “what does that story have to do with money, Laura?!”
The way we talk to ourselves and the things we choose to focus on is more important than we realise.
If I had focused on how I was coffee-less after the 1st or 2nd attempt at finding a coffee shop, I would not have stumbled across Kashke. But, I remained positive, focused on what I DID want, and I made it happen.
If you focus on all the money you don’t have, and think negative thoughts about your situation, then you will never be able to attract money or be good with money. Fact.
There could be a number of reasons why you talk negatively about money; maybe friends do the same thing, maybe you had parents that always said “we have no money” or maybe you have managed to convince yourself that because you haven’t had a proper budgeting structure in place, that the lack of savings in your account is actually down to you and your ‘bad money skill’.
This mindset will keep you stuck and in the same position. Your MONEY MINDSET will hold you back.
If you tell yourself you are bad with money, you will be bad with money. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
And if you say something enough times, you will start to believe it and therefore manifest it… or as i like to say, MONEY-FEST it.
Then without realising, you will make little self-sabotaging moves to do with your finances. You will say to yourself “oh I knew I was bad with money” and then the cycle repeats itself.
Happy PMA’ing